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Hope is not a strategy

We’re bringing our people home safe by not settling for the status quo.

Construction safety worker in gear installing a metal frame at a building site.

beyond the hard hat

What we value most

Protecting our people is our highest priority and always has been. That’s why our safety culture is grounded in extensive education and training, continuous improvement, and a constant cycle of identifying and avoiding potential hazards. Our leaders go the extra mile beyond laws and industry standards and dig into human behavior to learn and implement tangible ways to prevent harm. By closing the gap between what could happen and what should, we’re putting what’s most important first: our people.

Construction worker in a high-visibility jacket securing a safety harness while climbing a yellow scaffolding structure.

We believe in being proactive, not reactive

We apply industry-leading controls, encourage employee engagement, and provide comprehensive training on the latest safety standards. We focus on Stuff That Can Kill You (STCKY) and being good, not just lucky, makes a difference.

Three construction workers in safety gear conversing around a wooden pole at a job site.

Better together

Learn more about our safety culture and the ways we care for people on our corporate responsibility page.